California Association of School Business Officials

The California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO) is the Golden Stateโ€™s foremost authority on school business. Founded in 1928, the non-profit membership association serves 30,000+ members by promoting excellence and professionalism in all public school operations. Through innovative education, advocacy, and professional networking programs, CASBO inspires efficient and effective leadership of Californiaโ€™s TK-14 institutions to support the stateโ€™s 6.1 million students in the 21stย century and beyond.

CASBO represents you.

Understand our strategic planning process and view the details of our current strategic plan.

Where school business leaders go to grow

Accelerate your career. Earn distinguished credentials. Become an expert in your discipline. Then, experience a thriving professional life in school business.

Thatโ€™s what school business leaders get from membership in the California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO). We are your nonprofit source for professional development in all TK-14 business disciplines.

CASBO is also the place for you to stay current on school news, get understandable downloads on legislation and public school advocacy efforts, and connect with industry colleagues who are the informed, experienced feet on the ground in Californiaโ€™s public schools.

Weโ€™ll also help you grow your leadership and management skills to ensure youโ€™re continually improving and advancing.

We have a governance board with bylaws and procedures like any association, along with a code of ethics that weโ€™re glad to share at your request. These nuts and bolts exist to ensure you have what you need to perform your role effectively and efficiently. Successfully and affordably., too.

Weโ€™re glad to add your knowledge to our community, and together weโ€™ll strengthen Californiaโ€™s education system to make it a role model across the country.


CASBO is governed by an 11-member board of directors, and two ex-officio members. The structure of CASBOโ€™s board of directors is as follows:

  • Four officers of the association
    President, president-elect, vice president and immediate past president
  • Seven section directors
    One from each regional section
  • Chair of the Associate Member Committee
  • Chair of the CASBO Education Advocacy Foundation (ex-officio)
  • CASBO executive director (ex-offico)
